UK based company, The Profit Unlocker
Limited has been launched to support
small to medium sized businesses in
their efforts to improve sales and profit
results by developing a simple, robust
and secure business development
solution likely to change the way
businesses look at sales and profit
development forever.
The Profit Unlocker™ an e-based tool
which is the brainchild of sales
professionals, Steve Marsh and his
business partner Trevor Weldon, is due
to launch on the 10th October. The tool
uses business insight to drive
performance by identifying profitability
across 5 key areas, it helps locate
untapped hidden potential, and
develops simple effective initiatives to
generate greater profitability. It allows
the business owner to stay in complete
control by tracking performance, identify
gaps, make fast decisions and ensure
that the business exceeds targets.
“Having seen in excess of £200m in
sales revenue generated by applying
these techniques, I am very excited
about enabling others to adopt the same
approach but in a much more joined up
and automated way” says Trevor
Weldon, Co-Founder of The Profit
Trevor goes on to say “Given the
economic climate and the need for
business owners to be even more cost
conscious, the need to reduce sales
costs has increased at the same time as
the need to generate more profitable
revenue, factors which often don’t mix
very well. The Profit Unlocker™
combats these issues, it reduces the
cost of sales at the same time as
improving conversion rates and
increasing profitability – the tool really
will enhance the performance of small to
medium sized businesses

About Bev

I am the 'New you Guru' and I help you find out Who the Hell you are. So many of us go through changes in life and we wear many hats, however everyone asks the question 'Who the Hell am I' at some point. I help you recognise the real you and become an authentic human being. Able to deal with everything life throws at you knowing that you know who the hell you are.

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